Appendix C

Representation to Licensing Application.





Name & address of premises subject to application.

Trading name:

Small Batch Coffee Company

Applicant name:

Small Batch Coffee Company Limited


67B & 67C Church Road Hove




Your name & address (residence or business).




Owner of;





Note: Whether or not your representation can be considered depends upon whether your residence or business is likely to be directly affected by disorder and disturbance occurring or potentially occurring on the premises or immediately outside the premises.


Please state the substance of your representation within one (or more) of the following categories (representations outside these categories cannot be considered).


Prevention of Crime & Disorder

No details have been published as to the restrictive conditions proposed for this application that would prevent the venue from becoming a wet-led/bar operation.


The premises currently operates daytimes, as a coffee shop, and has a reasonable footprint including outside terrace. Should a Premises License be granted we would expect to see the usual conditions imposed that help to facilitate the preventions of crime and disorder.


It’s important to recognise that whilst the current operator may well intend on retaining its existing business model and just adding a minor and casual alcohol sales aspect to their operation, should the lease be sold and the license transferred then a new operator could focus much more heavily on the sale of alcohol and effectively turn it into a wet-led venue.


We would expect to see a condition included that alcohol is only sold ancillary to food sales or something along those lines. If there is the opportunity that the venue is effectively able to operate as a bar (be it waiter service or not) then it should be treated in a similar vein to other establishments in the local vicinity.

There are numerous premises licenses nearby that include restrictive conditions such as requirements for SIA door supervisors, substantial food being available at all time of operation, retention of a minimum number of seated covers at all times and alcohol sold by table service only.

Public Safety

Comments made in The Prevention of Crime and Disorder section are relevant to this section also.

The Prevention of Public Nuisance

Comments made in The Prevention of Crime and Disorder section are relevant to this section also.

The Protection of Children from harm


Signed: … REDACTED…….. Date:…18/08/2022……………

Name: …… REDACTED ………………………………

Please note:

1.         Electronically transmitted representations must be confirmed in writing and signed within 5 working days.

2.    Representations are in the public domain. Copies are sent to the applicants to allow discussions and with the notice of hearing. They are also included in Licensing Panel papers. Hearings are public.